
oil on canvas 120*80 cm. 2023 (2019)

The artwork is based on projective techniques, exploring psychological states. Conditionally neutral objects are used for individuals to project their views, states, thoughts, and fantasies onto them.

Among all the works in this series, it evokes the strongest response from viewers and raises the most significant questions about the true meaning of this dream.


This artwork has undergone several transformations: it was initially created in a graphic style, then became the central character at the 8xr metaverse exhibition, where the action revolved around it, and finally found its ultimate embodiment on canvas.



First graphics



animation for online exhibition



3D sculpture for BALAGANCHIK pavilion



oil on canvas 120*80



Nesting doll in this painting is depicted with an expressionless face, allowing every viewer to interpret it in their own way: from strictness and kindness to tyranny and sacrificial spirit. This artistic canvas provides an opportunity for everyone to perceive it in their own manner.

The silhouettes of women making up the figure lack distinct facial expressions, and their poses are dynamic: raised arms can be interpreted as a greeting, a gesture of embrace, or a plea.

Moreover, the other symbols in the painting carry multiple meanings: a golden teardrop - a symbol of magical tales, also a representation of sorrow or deprivation.

The shawl around the nesting doll can be perceived as a mere patterned scarf or a monarch's headgear.

Even the grass in the painting - ranging from wheat fields to sea algae or flames. And what do the stars with four rays look like to you?

It's a space for self-reflection and interpretation. A metaphorical painting that can become a friend, assistant, or guide


"What if we gather the collective unconscious in one place: fears, desires, dreams, strength, and powerlessness? The Matryoshka - a simple and comprehensible image - becomes a metaphorical Pandora's box, transforming from a joyful wooden doll into a grieving woman, accepting and granting forgiveness to all the imperfections of the world."